sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

Versus Launch Party - Poster

Here's a poster i made for Versus launch party. It's today, at Gare, in Porto, with performances by Terrorismo Sónico, Woyza, Nerve, Auge, Dj Nelassassin, Dj D-One, Dj SlimCutz and many more!

Bench Porto Store - Live Painting

I was invited to draw on a wall at Bench Porto's opening party!
The Jinx crew also did a little showcase. And there was sushi!
Here are some photos :)

Monster Jinx Update

Hey everyone!
I've been really busy lately, so haven't had the time to update the blog.
Here comes a new Monster Jinx update with the last releases and other things to come...

Last month, LCI - Liga de Cavalheiros Improváveis was released. It's a project where all the Monster Jinx original members (Stray, Dj SlimCutz, Taseh, J-K, DarkSunn, Nexus e Pulso) collaborate to make a couple of tracks. They all get together, make music as a true "gentleman" would and put it out there for us to enjoy as LCI (translates to League of Unlikely Gentleman). Here's the press release, for those who understand portuguese:

"Excelentíssimos senhoras e senhores,

A Monster Jinx orgulha-se de apresentar o seu mais recente projecto, um esforço colaborativo entre todos os membros originais do conglomerado, intitulado “Liga de Cavalheiros Improváveis“.

Fruto de um único encontro no espaço e no tempo, este trabalho surgiu da conjunção de ideias de Stray, Dj SlimCutz, Taseh, J-K, DarkSunn, Nexus e Pulso. Ao longo de uma sessão, foram compostas algumas faixas que ilustram o dia a dia destes cavalheiros pouco ortodoxos e que agora disponibilizamos para a fruição do nosso estimado público e prezados amigos. Esperamos que o espectáculo seja do vosso agrado e que o resto da vossa noite se apresente agradável e decorra sem precalços.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Barão de Jinxópolis, Monsieur Jinx."

You can listen to LCi, or download it at

More recently, but still last month (damn, am i getting behind), the first Monster Jinx Podcast was launched.
These podcasts will feature selections by both Monster Jinx artist and friends. The special guest will be the only responsible for the musical choices, and this time, Tiago Lessa aka nitronious was the chosen one, presenting "Beats de Sarrabulho". Great selection, you'll love it. Dj Spark was the one behind the decks, mixing it all beautifully.

Also, you can hear it or download it at Monster Jinx Podcast nº1 – “Beats de Sarrabulho” by nitronious

Oh, I forgot! Once again, cover art by yours truly.


segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Feature @ we love typography!

I've been featured at we love typography via COLHER!
Thank you!

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Mutantes nos Leões

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Mutantes e Outros Lugares Estranhos

Mutantes e Outros lugares estranhos
10 de Abril a 3 de Maio.
Inauguração 10 abril (sábado) 16h

Participantes Beatriz Cóias, Bernardo Coelho, Carlos Mesquita, Catarina Azevedo, David Penela, Diogo Rapazote, Filipe Cardigos Oliveira, João Drumond, Margarida Madeira, Pedro Filipe Lopes, Rita Gomes, MIN (Rita Goulão) e Tamás Lakos

Comissários Júlio Dolbeth e Rui Vitorino Santos

Local Galeria dos Leões, situada no edifício da Reitoria da UP (Porto)
Segunda a sexta-feira, das 10 às 19 horas

Vão estar lá trabalhos meus expostos! Apareçam!

Cartaz por "FBAUP Design Team"

terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2010

All Good Things Come to Party!

Poster for All Good Things Come in Pairs birthday party!
Show up!

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010

min @ COLHER

I've been featured at COLHER!
Check it out, it's a great iniciative... we've got really good graphic design in Portugal, it's really cool that they created a space to divulge it.

segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010


Random ideas on paper...i mean, wood!

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

min @ ONSK8 magazine

ONSK8 magazine
015 - Set/Out/Nov


sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010

Cuckoo's Crew...and the girlfriend.

the girlfriend <3

Not part of that set of three illustrations, just some extra drawings.